Lab 1 Artemis

The goal of this lab was to get familiar with programming the Sparkfun Artemis. We set up the Arduino IDE and ran some of the provided example code to test sbasic functionality. We blinked the onboard LED, tested serial communication, analog reading, and the onboard microphone.

Example 1: Blink it Up

As seen in the above video, I tested the LED on the board by blinking it (1s on 1s off). The basic "Blink" example from the Arduino IDE was used. I ensured that the "LED_BUILTIN" pin in the code mapped to the correct pin on the Artemis.

Example 2: Serial

In this example I ran the Artemis Serial example code to test the serial port. I set the baudrate to 115200. As seen in the video, when I typed text, the serial monitor echoes it back there by confirming that the serial communication is working.

Example 3: Analog Read

In this example, the Artemis Analog Read example code was used to read the onboard temperature sensor. In this demo, the temperature reading started at around 31,800 and when I exposed the sensor to my laptops heat release vent, the value climbed to over 32,000 showing the funtioning of the sensor and the ADC.

Example 4: Microphone

In this last example, the onboard microphone was tested. The Microphone Output example prints out the loudest frequency after performing an FFT. As you can hear and see, the highest frequency ranges from 0 to about 200 due the ambient noise but when the beep is played, the frequency consistently hits 1007.